Friday, January 20, 2017

A Happy Friday!

We have a bedtime routine for the Minion and try as much as possible to stick to the routine. Sometimes, she decides to be a rebel and will just not be willing to sleep. The little devil will slyly try to pull us to her games by giggling and squeaking. It was one such night yesterday.

She was in her play mode and I was in my tired mode. I somehow made her sleep around 11.30 pm badly hoping she sleeps through the rest of the night.
She started sucking her thumb in the middle of sleep which is her hunger cue!  I usually wake up to that sound. Don't ask me how! I am surprised myself and maybe little proud ( pat on my shoulder). When she did that yesterday, I woke up with a jerk!

Omg. What time is it! It seemed like I was sleeping for 2 days straight  ( how I wish!). And when I looked at the clock, it was 4.30 am! Ah, how much could a 5 hours sleep make you feel! Sleeping through 5 hours after what seems like forever made me think that I slept through days!

I quickly gave her milk before she could wake up completely. I need more sleep. I am greedy like that. Once she was done, gently burped her making sure she gets back to sleep and then let her next to me. That is all I know and the next time I saw the clock , it was 9.45!

Happy Baby! Happy Mom!

We made our visit to the local library for story time which she was trying to dodge for almost 3 weeks by falling asleep around that time. It was a beautiful day outside. She enjoyed her car ride and was in awe the whole time she was at library seeing other babies and kids. Surprisingly, she did not make the tiniest fuss the whole time. We got back home and as I mentioned here, she got tired and fell asleep for almost 1.5 hours. Morning naps lasting that long is not that often these days.

And look what came in the mail today! Talk about timing!

A happy Friday, indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww those poses and she is a people-watcher just like you and me. LOL.
