Thursday, November 9, 2017

5 Baby/Toddler Products We Love

Yay! It's Thursday and I actually made it on time. If you read my previous post, you would know my goal  to publish a post every Thursday. As simple as it might sound, trust me, the struggle is REAL.

I am in love with few products that we have been using for a while and thought I could do a series of 5 products we heart every now and then.

Here are some of my recent favorites in no particular order. And also, these are really not essentials, just some add-ons that makes life tad bit easier !

1. IKEA Bib

Anyone who sees the minion eat would wonder if she is straight out of the caves. It is a sight to watch (not!). And to make it even better, she HATES bibs or to be honest - I think she loves it so much that she starts chewing on them the second I put it on and I ended up hating them. So this bib from IKEA is a life savior. This is like a dress that you can wear over your actual dress and it is also very easy to clean. Minion may or may not like it depending on her mood but I loveeeeee it!

2. Munchkin 360 trainer cup

Minion loves drinking from cups. As much as I love to encourage it, I cannot take too many risks with carpets. So this miracle cup to the rescue. This is a spill proof cup - sway it to your right and sway it to your left, turn it upside down and you are still good. It comes with two handles that makes it easier for the tiny hands to hold them.

I wanted to take a picture of a happy baby holding the cup smiling and enjoying her water, but babies are always not the happiest, right? Sometimes they are upset, angry and well, just not happy. So thought I might as well keep it real. See, I told ya, its spill proof!

3. Buckwheat cereal

I tell this story every single time I recommend this product to any of my friend -

" I was at the Whole foods supermarket looking for XYZ product for the minion and asked an employee's help in figuring out where the product was. I generally find whole foods employees super sweet and this guy was no exception. He not only helped me find the product I was looking for but he also introduced me to this amazing cereal which happened to be his son's favorite. And I will forever be thankful to him as this is minion's go-to cereal for now. She would settle for this cereal any day even when she is not feeling it for any other food!"

Now that I told you guys the story, I consider the recommendation done!

4. Learning tower

I guess toddlers are the most curious beings there can ever be and minion is no exception. She just HAS to see what is cooking on stove. She will one day make a great quality inspector. She needs to see how many spoons of what goes into what. So the husband made this learning tower and we love it. Sometimes it even makes a great snacks stool for her to stand and enjoy food. I am sure we will put it to great use for the next few years!

5. Dear Zoo

Last but not the least, books! She loves books is an understatement(for now!) I will try to make a post on all her favorite books sometime soon but her current obsession - animals! Both her obsession in one go - 'Dear Zoo'. She loves reading it again and again and again!

That is all for today! Enjoy the rest of the week and have a beautiful weekend. See you again next Thursday.


  1. Nice write up.. Loved the learning tower.. And of course anika kutty😘😍

  2. Best time to enjoy with her..she will soon be grown up

  3. Great job..I m curious about that learning tower now 😁..keep the posts coming ranj..

    1. Thanks Ananda for the comment. You should def try tge learning tower for Aditi. And I think even keerthi ll enjo it
