Monday, January 2, 2017

Life Is Good

2017 ! It WAS a brand new year not so long ago and it's already the second day of the year.

It is one of those times when you feel "Oh Man, my life is so good!"

Let me give you a live update. I want to keep it 100% real, so ignore how we or our house is looking.

I sit on my couch with my minion lying on me like this as I type the post  using my mobile app.

 With this in front of me set by the Mister -

And this happening right now in the kitchen -

It is 'kitchen take over' day by the husband and he is busy preparing the lunch.

Ah! Life is just perfect!

Hold on!

Husband is now coming towards me. I just hope he doesn't talk too loud.

Oh, it is the jar of cumin seeds that I apparently closed too tight. He just HAVE to tell me about it.Seriously? Whyy!

Bang! I know I always jinx myself! 

And the minion being the light sleeper that she is wakes up hearing the husband's voice

Oh wait, I smell something ! She now looks like she has just pooped. Let me check and be back.

Yes. Poop it is! Life is just great! So I am back after cleaning the poop blast and cursing my husband for ruining the moment for me AND clicking this on my way back!

This was completely a live update until now and I just had my lunch. 

Hmmm, of all the veggies, he had to pick beetroot which I really really hate. He had mixed it with carrots. I hate to agree with him but it was kind of yummy although it was a spice party in my mouth and I had to gulp down a glass of water and a lemonade and a chocolate to tone it down

Also, it is taking us forever to put her back to sleep and this is what she is doing right now

Life is definitely good! And oh, do I hear her cry now? Byeeeeee!


  1. Cutie pie has a shrilllll voice..peria singer a varuvaalo🤔🤗

  2. Hahha my sweetuuu😘😘😘

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Loved this space ! Original content right from the heart. :) Do update more whenever you get time .
    SRI ❤️
