Sunday, October 15, 2017

Hi. Hello. I am still alive!

Hello! How are u guys doing? It's been a really long time and am so excited to be back here

Minion is now 14 months! Actually, a week shy from turning 15 months! Can u believe it?!?

And we were happily vacationing in India for 3 long months! Lots have happened during this brief hiatus of mine and I can't wait to tell you guys all about it.

I am hoping to update this space more regularly from now on and I think setting some expectations will keep me more committed. So here they are,

1. A new post every Thursday. And an extra post anytime during the week IF am feeling it.

2. Facebook page to notify anyone who would like to get regular updates. I am still debating if I should.
As a matter of fact, this post is lying in the draft for last two weeks just because I am yet to create the page.  I will update the page here if and when I create one.

3. Keeping it real. Right now am typing this from the mobile app as I am trying to put the Minion to sleep. If I aim for good quality photos investing time on editing them, I might as well forget posting weekly. So excuse me if you don't see well edited pics. A fancy blog ? Oops, I gotta go now. Someone is up already!

4. Well, let me make this clear. I am no experienced mom and this is no parenting blog. This has been more of a personal journal for me and will continue to be the same documenting some of my precious memories with the Minion. But most of my friends are now new parents and often times something that worked for me has worked for another and vice versa. So why not include those here once in a while, right? So its just a year old momma sharing her experiences from one mom to another ( or a dad!).

5. Just because I want to round it to 5.

That is all for today! See you guys next Thursday! 

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