Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Count Your Blessings

It has been more than 3 years since I moved to America and slowly came to terms with calling it my home. Of course I am happy and always feel blessed for the best of memories hubster and I have had these 3 years. 
But don't you think home is always the place your mom is? Isn't home the place your family and friends are? So, of course there are so many things you miss when you have a home away from your home, if that even makes sense!

And when you are pregnant, you have all the more reasons to miss your family. We have always been a closely knit family - my mom,my dad, my elder sister and I. And now I miss them so much more. I have wished so many times how great it would be if they can just travel through the I-Pad the second I want them to. If only wishes can come true!

But I can never complain! There are so many other things that I have been blessed with. Like a truly awesome person for a husband. When you are away from your family, your partner becomes your mom,dad, sibling, friend and what not! He has been amazing this entire phase of pregnancy and I should really thank my lucky stars for it. He takes so much efforts to make sure that I have a happy pregnancy. He is definitely my ROCK! I just cannot thank him enough for all that he has done for me.

And then comes my mother in law! She generously offered to come be with us when I was about 6 months pregnant so she can be of some help as my daily routine was kind of hectic. At the age of 60, she didn't need to do it. But she did! We could have managed on our own but after having her around, I feel that it is one of our best decisions ever. 

One constant question I am asked when I mention that my mother in law is living with us is " Is she good? How are you finding it? Do you two fight?" and it goes on. This question is asked almost by everyone right from my friends to random cab drivers.

But you know what, she is really amazing! I am truly grateful for all the help she has been doing and will always remember it for lifetime.

I am by no means exaggerating. She takes such good care of me that my mother is so much relieved that I am in the right hands until she comes. Yes my mom is coming here close to my due date so she can be with me after the baby is born and help me with the new mommy phase. They spoil me little too much, I know! 

Anyone can make everyday meals but my MIL takes the extra mile to make sure that i eat healthy. There are so many vegetables that I have never tasted before which has now become a part of my regular diet. I was told by the doctors that I am anemic and running low on hemoglobin. And so she is more determined than anyone to make it right. She makes me green juice/vegetable juice every single day. Like green apple+cucumber+asparagus+lemon juice or beetroot+ginger+lemon juice and etc. She packs figs, prunes, walnuts, dried tomatoes everyday for my mid afternoon snacks. She makes fruit milkshakes or some other snacks for evening and gets dinner ready by the time I come home from work. And the list may go and on. 

Can i ever complain about any of these?

My husband and my mother in law make a great mom-son team and have been an amazing support to me throughout this phase. Huge thanks to them for making me feel loved and pampered. How much ever i miss my parents and sister, these two are a constant reminder for me to count my blessings and not to fret over things that may not happen as we please. 

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