Thursday, November 16, 2017

Disney Is Always Right !

Trust me, I had another post almost ready for today but then  I really needed  to write this down so it stays as a reminder for the times to come.

Last couple of weeks have been crazy with the minion literally crying for no reason at all. She has been acting all cranky and as much as I hate to call names, I am left with no other choice of word - stubborn (maybe, strong- willed? Hmm)

She was going through her fussy week. If you do not know what it is, you should totally read the book 'Wonder Weeks'. It is literally my bible. Babies tend to go through a huge developmental leap every once in a while and it gets too much for them to handle. So they get all cranky and worked up.

I get it. I totally get it. It is rough few weeks for the tiny ones as well. When she was much younger, I was an angel of a mom being all empathetic and sympathetic but it gets tougher not to react when the said baby is now a toddler and the helpless cries are now tantrums.


Ask her not to grate a whole apple with her teeth  ( that she just got recently) , hell breaks loose.

Try changing a diaper and she starts screaming.

Try changing her dress, its bloody murder.

Ask her not to chew on batteries ( that she managed to take it out of her toys), she literally sobs and sobs.

Leave her to play in the living room and walk to kitchen which is just few inches away, she comes running, crying and hold my legs like I ditched her for good.

And worst of all is her meal time. I started dreading meal times as it got really really stressful. I used to look forward to her meal times especially when she was 6 to 9 months old. She was such a happy eater and now it has gotten so scary.
She just doesn't want anything to do with food for the last three weeks or so and this has been going on and off for last few months (coincides with fussy weeks).

I resolve every single time not to get stressed about it. I strongly believe in not forcing food. Maybe skipping breakfast is okay. Give her early lunch and she just pushes it away? Oh yeah, maybe she is still not hungry. Let me wait it out. But when it's 3.00 pm and all that she has eaten for the day- 3 slices of watermelon and half a cucumber, that is when it gets over me.

I try and try and she pushes and pushes away! And its gets to my head. Although my brain says to stop trying and give her a break, it seemed just not that easy for me to let it go and let her have her way.

When I think about it now, its like
"Do YOU think YOU know when YOU are hungry? Ha, no way. I know things better and I decide it for you. " Sounds crazy right? Yeah I know.

I wouldn't really call her a 'fussy eater'. It is a phase that comes and goes. So is it not better to let it go as I know she will definitely come around. She has always done that, goes for days like this and then eats like there is no tomorrow for few days to follow. She always  seems to  enjoy food when I do not force it on her. She is now an individual by herself capable of making her own choices.

So why don't I just  LET IT GO for God's sake and make it little less stressful for both of us as we have so many diaper and dress changes to deal with already (along with so many toys to check for batteries). Atleast, I know that she is going through some major developmental leap and the poor thing doesnt even realize what is going on.

I tried to follow her lead completely yesterday when it comes to eating. I am not sure if it is the end of her wonder week  ( mentioned in the book) or the change in my attitude or both, it made a world of difference. We enjoyed our day after two long stressful weeks. We even managed to click pictures with the fall leaves (the ones you see in this post). Hoping this calm lasts longer or atleast till the next wonder week hits me right on the head.

So the next time the going gets tough, before you get the tough going, see if you can follow Disney Frozen and just LET IT GO! Sometimes it can be as simple as that.

Wishing you all a very happy weekend! Yes, Friday is part of the weekend to me. And yes, I make weekend sound like Diwali or Christmas coz it really is.

And also, countdown to my India vacation starts ( yes, second india trip in a year).

10 more days to go!


  1. Couldn't have said it better..I can relate to every let's just "LET IT GO" 😂
