Tuesday, May 10, 2016

TinTin Or TinTinie?

So, I was literally counting the number of days to Mar 30, 2016 as that was the date we had scheduled the 20th week anatomy scan. I just couldn't wait to see the little one!

The day finally arrived!

We were so happy and relieved to know that our little peanut is doing great inside. It was healthy and doctor assured us that there is not a thing we need to be worried about. What a relief!

It was such a beautiful moment to see our baby moving, kicking, rolling and what not! Precious moment!

And the next exciting part was we got to know the gender of the baby then. Not that the gender of the baby is going to make any difference in how we see the baby, but I just cannot stand any suspense.

Of course, like any other excited mom to be, I checked out some of the old wife's myths for gender prediction. Wanna know how true it was for me?

1. Chinese calendar - There are so many Chinese calendars out there online that i found my results contradicting with each other. 

Me - I chose to ignore the Chinese calendar.

TinTin - 0
TinTinie - 0

2. Morning Sickness - Although this has conflicting views, the usual belief in my family is more the morning sickness, it is boy.

Me - I had more of evening sickness than morning sickness. 

TinTin - 0
TinTinie - 1

3. Chain Test - Hold a gold chain over your left palm. If the chain goes in circle, its a girl. If it swings like a pendulum, its a boy.

Me - The chain went in circles

TinTin - 0
TinTinie - 2

4. Key Test - My friend asked me to pick up a key. Apparently, if i pick up on the narrow end, it is a girl. If I pick it up on the rounded end, it is a boy.

Me- I picked up on the narrow end.

TinTin - 0
TinTinie - 3

5. Mother's Instinct - I always had this thought that i will have a daughter not just when i was pregnant but from as long as i remember. I was able to imagine myself only as a mom to a girl!

TinTin - 0
TinTinie -4

Ultrasound -

We told the technician to guide us where to look at and let us make the guess. Neither me nor the husband could figure a thing from the scan.Although deep down, i thought it was a girl, my guess was boy. My husband's guess was also a boy.

TinTin - 2
TinTinie - 4

Final Verdict - The technician announced, "Congratulations, Its a........ girl!!"

Yayyyyy! So TinTinie it is! Our little princess. We just cannot be any happier !! 

Oh baby girl, we just cannot wait to see you! 

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